Pre-applied, fully bonded, self-adhering, HDPE waterproofing membrane to protect against water underground structures
HDPE self-adhesive membrane to waterproof underground structures after pouring concrete
Mapei is embarking on a brave new adventure alongside Ambrogio Beccaria: its first modern ocean sailing project in the name of…
Styrene-free, hybrid vinyl resin-based chemical anchor for structural loads. Certified for threaded bar, construction bars and C1…
Mapefix PE SF is a styrene-free, polyester resin chemical fastener for heavy loads.
Mapefix Ep is a pure epoxy, resin-based chemical anchor for structural loads. Certified for threaded bar, construction bars,…
The specification centre is a first for the Mapei Group and demonstrates the relationship between manufacturer and architect,…
Milan, 11th February 2022 - It was 1937 when Rodolfo Squinzi founded his building materials business in the outskirts of Milan…